“Touching stories” is a series of super-interactive films, developed specifically for iPad. The free application, which can be found in the iTunes store, features four live-action episodes by 5 directors from the Tool of North America production company and provides a viewer with a unique opportunity to choose how the plot will be evolving.
The stories were called “touching” because the viewers are invited to pat, shake and turn their iPad at some interactive points, this way changing the course of what’s happening on the screen. In the stories «All Ends, Ends All,» «Sarah and Jerry,» «The Most Interesting Couple in Britain,» and «Triangle» you can view the inner monologues of the characters, visit various web sites, listen to the talking portrait, dial numbers in the virtual booth, escape for the bad guys shooting at you, and many more.
The short films were integrated into the iPad world with by Domani Studios, which worked on the technology side of the new shakeable app.
Tool of North America presented iPads featuring the “Touching Stories” app to about 10 agencies’ chief creative officers at the Cannes Festival to promote the device as an ad platform for their future projects.
«What that technology needs is the iPad so that you can not create a storyline there but you get to control the actors and the mechanics of the computer. It seems to me that the logical step is for somebody who’s a filmmaker like Cameron or Zemeckis who’s interested in the capacity of the digital world to do this—to really think about making interactive movies that run on the iPad,» comments Sean Ehringer, director of «Sarah and Jerry» story.