Brands use a plethora of ways to tell the world that they support sustainable practice and manufacture their products with nature in mind. They launch related campaigns, team up with global environmental organizations and release specifically certified products. Promoting the ecological philosophy around the globe, some brands are also targeting youngsters as consumers of tomorrow. PUMA has recently unveiled its new mascot Marmo and released a book about marine life featuring the red creature, and following the sportswear brand, Kimberly-Clark’s Kleenex Cottonelle is also presenting a new children’s book dedicated to the theme of saving orangutans.
Photo: The ‘Tears in the Jungle: A children’s Adventure to Save the Orangutan’ book
In summer, Kleenex Cottonelle got the WWF panda sign on its packaging, becoming the first paper tissue brand to feature this label. Earlier this year, the parent company of the brand, Kimberly-Clark, was given a certification for sustainable sourcing eco-reidly paper and shortly after that it has released a new campaign dubbed When Nature Calls with the tagline ‘Choose a toilet tissue that doesn’t wipe away their environment,’ encouraging people to make conscious choices even when it comes to trivial things. The release of the new book titled ‘Tears In The Jungle: A children’s adventure to save the Orangutan,’ which was published with financial support of the brand (though, it doesn’t say how much it has spent on it). The story is written by two teenage brothers, Terrey and Will Hills, who travelled to Borneo last year and describe their trip through the jungles to the orange animals in the wild.
“As the only product in the market to carry the gold standard FSC certification for responsible forestry management, Kleenex Cottonelle Toilet Tissue is proud to announce the sponsorship of an endearing book by two young brothers passionate about saving the endangered Orangutan entitled: ‘Tears In The Jungle: A children’s adventure to save the Orangutan,” states the brand’s press release as quoted by
The new book doesn’t only spreads the word about protecting the endangered animals, but also makes the published peace as green as possible since 1000 hard cover and 1000 soft cover copies, the first edition of the book, are printed on recycled paper from sustainable forests. Terrey Hills hopes that the new book will help to raise money for the Australian Orangutan Project and other related non-profits, which protect jungle fauna.