Kraft Foods Encourages to Turn to Home Farming

Triscuit, a crackers brand from Kraft Foods portfolio, is supporting the movement to grow your own foods in a big way with their website dedicated to home farming. The site, located at, focuses on interaction, education, and support to get consumers involved with the action from all across the United States.

Visitors to the internet location can learn lessons on how to grow their own crops including what and when to plant, depending on your geographical location.  Users can read the advice of fellow enthusiasts and experts in every aspect of the process helping them maximize their efforts.

City gardening is another aspect of the campaign for the snack company as they team with non-profit organization, Urban Farming, in an effort to start 50 community farms across the country.  The projects utilize unused land, bonding people together, working with their hands for a fantastic cause, creating environmentally sustainable systems.

In further support, Triscuit has made available free seeds in specially marked boxes of their products.