The L’Oréal Group set the goal of reducing CO2 emissions at its industrial sites by 50% between 2005 and 2015. This is a part of its sustainable development policy. Due to an innovative technical solution designed and implemented by EDF Optimal Solutions, the Active Cosmetics Production (ACP) factory in Vichy is now making this goal a reality. Yesterday the implementation of the new equipment took place in Vichy.
For energy savings and environmental benefits optimization, the company designed and created a full tailor-made energy solution that caters for the features of the site’s industrial process.
The innovative energy solution comprises a triple energy recovery system, which recovers enough energy from the various facilities to heat the equivalent of 12 olympic swimming pools of washing water; and geothermal energy taken from the factory’s ice cool water production and basement. There’s enough energy to heat all the premises (50,000 m²) during the mid-season periods and fulfils the manufacturing equipment’s heating and cooling needs. Free cooling technique replaces traditional cooling with the use of fresh air from outside. Variable speed drive (VSD) on one of the air compressors provides variable speeds depending on the site’s needs. And insulation of the steam system significantly reduces energy wastage. Remote management tools help to monitor energy consumption and CO2 savings in real time.
Thereby the Vichy factory is reaching its CO2 emission reduction target ahead of schedule: over 2000 tonnes of CO2 saved per year, the equivalent of a 50% reduction overall in 2011 already. The factory’s ambition is now to become carbon neutral.
“The L’Oréal Group’s Active Cosmetics Division is very attached to the Auvergne region, where its flagship brand Vichy originated. Our division has been present in this area for over 40 years with its production site and distribution hub which delivers our products worldwide. Sustainable development has always been a central concern for us and we have been aiming for our industrial and logistics facilities to set an example in this field. We are very proud of the results we have achieved, which are a first step towards becoming carbon neutral,” said Brigitte Liberman, L’Oréal’s Active Cosmetics Managing Director.