Nestlé is to present a new luxury brand of personalized chocolate for individual tastes. The chocolate will be produced by Nestlé’s Maison Cailler, a chocolate factory in Broc, which is owned by the company since 1929.
The new brand is an original profiling system that consumers can use to discover their chocolate preferences and share the result with their friends online. To determine their chocolate personality, consumers first order a box of five ‘tasting’ chocolates from the Maison Cailler website.
After following instructions to define their ‘chocolate personality’, consumers can order a box of Maison Cailler fresh chocolates that have been carefully selected to match their individual preferences and made using the new recipes.
Maison Cailler is the latest in a series of innovative personalized products and services from Nestlé’s. Earlier this year, the company launched BabyNes; the world’s first comprehensive nutrition system for infants and toddlers. The company has also improved its Nutritional Compass.
Maison Cailler is positioned as the ‘haute couture’ of chocolate tailor-made at the Broc factory, which has been producing fine chocolate since 1898.and inspired by the local Gruyère region associating with the highest quality.
Photo: Nestlé’s photostream on Flickr
Presented in boxes of one to five layers, Maison Cailler chocolates will be accompanied by a booklet explaining the characteristics of a particular chocolate personality.
“Maison Cailler is a response to the changing times we live in,” says Cédric Lacroix, Director of Nestlé’s Chocolate Centre of Excellence in Broc.
“People are looking for more personalized products and services, and they are increasingly purchasing these online.”
People can register to set up a personal account on the Maison Cailler website, which is to launch soon. The Maison Cailler web site will stream live footage from webcams in the chocolatiers’ kitchens and even from the fields where the cows that provide milk to the factory graze.
In addition, Maison Cailler ‘profiling stations’ will be set up in a variety of luxurious locations around Switzerland, such as five star hotels at the beginning of 2012. The service will initially only be available in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.