Recently, Adidas invited the fans of its footwear to come to their Mega Diner and have a nice ‘sneaker’ meal. A similar idea became the basis of Nike’s new project, which was also ‘turning clothes into food’. Ahead of the MFNW 2010 music festival launched in Portland last Saturday, the iconic brand, which supported the event, teamed up with Bo Kwon, the owner of Koi Fusion, one of the first food trucks in the city, to treat customers to something very special.
On September 7, they spent the lunchtime hours selling “Destroyer Burrito,” a free Nike Sportswear’s varsity jacket Destroyer wrapped into foil just as a regular burrito (though, a really huge one). The followers of the @nikesportswear and @koifusionpdx channels on Twitter received a message informing them about the new line in the menu and were asked to come to the Koi Fusion truck, check in via Facebook Places, request the secret item (which actually was the Destroyer Burrito) and finally receive the Destroyer Burrito and a free burrito of their choice.
It’s not the only one activity Nike developed for its Destroyer jacket as part of its partnership with MFNW 2010. The brand also encouraged young people to bring a new or gently used jacket to one of the “Sneak and Destroy” series, which included performances of 6 groups, in order to exchange it for the Nike’s one.
First 50 people could swap these items of clothes, and the donated jackets were given to the New Avenues for Youth organization, which helps homeless and at-risk youth improve their life and leave the streets forever.
The campaign is developed by AKQA.