Nike’s Digital NikeFuel Zine Inspiring More People to Embrace Physical Activity

Running and working out in a gym are traditional ways to exercise, but sometimes life wants us to be more creative finding ways to burn calories. Nike launched its innovative Nike+ FuelBand over a year ago to help athletes from all around the globe to keep track of their daily physical performance. To celebrate the 1st anniversary of the device, Nike collaborated with a team of artists, coaches and other original thinkers to create a digital art NikeFuel Zine, celebrating “the breadth of physical activity.”

Pic. A snapshot from thу NikeFuel Zine website

Over two weeks, Nike will be adding inspirational content highlighting various, unconventional ways to be more active throughout the day and earn daily NikeFuel. The showcase will be available in two formats, online and as a PDF download. The first five chapters—“Object Lesson,” “The Secret Life of the Nike+ FuelBand,” “I’m with the Band,” “Friends with Benefits,” and “life Logged”—are already here.

For instance, “Object Lesson” is explaining how to use ordinary objects including clothes pins, MP3 player, car, tablet and more to get fitter. Another chapter, “I’m with the Band,” tells a graphic story of a day of three Nike+ FuelBand wearers, who are competing with each other. It’s not that easy to do as they live in different cities in different time zones, but they have Nike+ FuelBand that helps them track and compare their performance.

More stories and creative insights from Nike into the theme of daily physical activity are yet to come—the closing chapter will be unveiled on March 6.