NYT illustrator Brian Rea and musicians ‘Noah and the Whale’ help promote educational charity «Building Tomorrow»

The American agency Young and Laramore has collaborated with talented NYT illustrator Brian Rea and musicians Noah and the Whale to create an evocative promotional video for the charity organization Build Tomorrow which helps children from East Africa get access to decent education.

A short hand-drawn film narrates the sad story of East African communities where people live on less than $2 a day and whose children have no future. The «Building Tomorrow» organization is committed to raising funds on construction materials to build schools and houses in the area. So far, $163, 204 has been raised in total, and five local schools for up to 315 students each have been built across Uganda. On the organization’s website, fundraisers ask people to donate as little as $4 to build tomorrow for those who needs a chance in life.