P&G Will Inspire Women to Join «Give Health Clean Water Blogivation» Campaign

Procter & Gamble announced a new social sustainability and social media campaign called the Give Health Clean Water Blogivation that will kick-off at the BlogHer 2010 Conference August 6-7. In partnership with Changents.com and P&G’s Children’s Safe Drinking Water program, the Give Health Clean Water Blogivation will showcase the power of female bloggers to improve the lives of people in need of clean drinking water.

To participate, female bloggers «give» a post for clean water and use their voice to rally online communities to vote for their story to help donate clean water. For every post and vote, P&G will donate a day of clean water to a person in need. The blogger with the most votes as of August 27, 2010 will win a trip to accompany Dr. Greg Allgood of CSDW on a clean water expedition in Africa and write the exclusive story. They will also receive a $15,000 donation to a 501c3 charity that tackles water issues.

The Give Health Clean Water Blogivation is a unique engagement campaign that uses the power of digital storytelling to link online consumer actions with offline community impacts. Through its partnership with Changents.com, P&G will share the stories of its employees and partners behind the scenes of CSDW and of a humanitarian photographer documenting the global water crisis at www.GiveHealthBlogivation.com. CSDW Director Dr. Greg Allgood and photographer Cate Cameron will tell their stories to inspire consumers and provide resources for how they can be a part of the solution.

Through P&G’s Give Health program, the Company provides clean water, vaccines and education to children in need. Give Health is showcasing the power of female «change agents» to help provide clean drinking water to children in developing countries.