Philips Awards the Winners of ‘Philips Livable Cities’

The end of April in Benelux region was marked by the ‘Philips Livable Cities‘ award ceremony. The brand celebrated the authors of the best ideas aimed at addressing the pressing issues of everyday life in modern cities.


The ceremony was held on April 27 at Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and was attended by experts, dignitaries, and government officials from the Benelux countries. In course of the competition, the jury received about 450 entries from different countries on how to improve living in the big cities and make the urban space more ‘livable’.

The first place and $75,000 cash prize went to ‘Rainwater Aggregation in Sana’a’  developed by Sabrina Faber. Sabrina has offered to store rainwater on flat rooftops, and suggested special devices that would allow filtering and storage of the water collected.

Manuel Rapoport of Buenos Aires, Argentina, was awarded with $25,000 grant for his idea of ‘Plaza Movil Street Park’—a mobile recreational center of people for all ages residing in big cities.

James Kityo from Kampala, Uganda received $25,000 grant for his ‘Shade Stands’ that would allow to erect so-called ‘Shade stands’ in Uganda to protect people waiting for public transport from African sun and rain. The walls of the stands may be used as information boards.

The winners will work with Philips and program mentors to help implement their ideas in their local communities.

Katy Hartley, Director of the Philips Center for Health & Well-being and member of the Philips Livable Cities Award, said, «We recognize the tremendous effort invested by both the winners of the Philips Livable Cities Award and the other finalists in developing their submissions. Philips is proud to be associated with the imagination and vision they have all displayed and offer our congratulations and thanks in the 2010-2011 Award’s first year.»