Puma Worldwide sponsored the production of an animated movie depicting the story of Roger Milla and his return to the Cameroon national team during the 1990 World Cup. “Le Lion Indomptable” featured the football player himself narrating the popular story how at age 38 he leaves retirement to lead his squad to the Quarter Finals of the tournament.
The short, developed in cooperation with artist James Blagden and a creative team from Pulse Films, was made in honor of Africa hosting the 2010 World Cup and to serve as inspiration to Cameroon, Ghana and Ivory Coast who all had formidable tasks in the first round.
The story of Roger Milla in 1990 is legendary as his four goals led his country’s team to an incredible run becoming the first African team to reach the Quarter Finals of the tournament. He inspired his team-mates beating powerhouse Argentina advancing from their group to the round of 16.
«West and Central African art has had a big influence on my work. Particularly the paintings of Chéri Samba and the hand-painted movie posters of Ghana. I’ve been working in a lot of black and white lately, but this felt like a good time to return to color,» Blagden commented.
The animated video of this legendary story can be seen on PUMA’s YouTube channel.