A CSR-focused marketing strategy includes a 60-second TV ad by Leo Burnett featuring a series of McDonald’s-related ethical initiatives. It launched this week and will run for six weeks in the UK.
fast food
Burger King, one the world-largest burger chains, which has been losing market share and profits for the last years, is getting dramatic makeover to bring its customers back and not look like a throwback to the 1990s. Upcoming innovations include: new menu, look, sales materials and restaurants themselves.
Following Burger King and other food service industry rivals, McDonald’s is getting a makeover for the first time in its 56-year history with the aim to get a contemporary look and lure in customers of more age categories, USAToday reports. The results of McMakeover can already be seen in several brand’s locations in Tampa, Florida. However, this is just a small piece of $1 billion-plus plan McDonald’s has in mind as it intends to renovate 14,000 restaurants across the United States by 2015.
McDonald’s Germany kicked off a retro styled campaign to promote its new 1955 Burger. The recipe of the recently launched addition, which is made of bacon, barbecue sauce and caramelized onions, was ‘devised’ back in middle of the last century—at least, the promotion, which includes a TV-spot and the 1955 Burger section on the corporate website, is assuring this fast-food product has a 55-year history.