The Best Brand Sensei’s Have Entered SBA’11 Round 3: October 2010

18 October, 2010, Moscow—For the third month in a row Popsop in collaboration with a team of international judges from the world’s leading brand agencies continue voting for the best brand campaigns which are supposed to teach people good things in 3 areas: Mind, Fun and Eco.

This month the best brand Sensei in general chart based on the total average scores—McDonald’s—has remained the same as a month before. The leader of October ranking is followed by Starbucks (again) and a «newcomer» of SBA’11— YouTube, respectively. You can see the total scores here:

Image: 3 brand leaders of the general chart as of 3 months (August-Sept-Oct 2010)

The situation with the category leaders hasn’t changed dramatically: Starbucks and Axe still remain the best ECO and FUN senseis, respectively. While YouTube is at the top of Mind chart.

This month we welcome Dr. Kishore Budha, who joined the panel of judges for SBA this October.

We’d like to remind our fans and followers that SBA’11 is a one-of-a-kind project, provided by Popsop to promote the role of brands in making our life and planet better. Keep following the SBA results monthly!

If you feel like sharing you thoughts and views on SBA’11 project or interested in sponsorship opportunities with Popsop/SBA—please, contact Kate Belan at or give a call +7 (926) 751 11 20.