Windows Phone Beats iPhone and Android in a Speed Challenge

In its Windows Phone promo campaign, Microsoft is emphasizing that their smartphone is not only the same level with iPhone and Android-based devices but is better than it. 

The new move within the campaign is that Microsoft’s PC Evangelist and Senior Manager Ben Rudolph bets consumers $100 that Windows Phone is faster than their phone in their daily routine. Rolled out yesterday on Windows Phone’s Facebook Page, the initiative involves activities like posting pictures to Facebook and finding music. The initiative includes the Twitter-friendly hashtag #SmokedByWindowsPhone.

The first day at CES 2012 saw over 25 competitors that tried to compete with Windows Phone. The result is 21 Wihdows Phone wins, 2 losses and 1 tie.

The wins were really decisive; Windows Phone won hands down on the common things that most of us do every day on our smartphones like checking the weather, finding your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/best friend’s Facebook status, posting to Facebook & Twitter, snapping a photo and sharing it with the world, and finding a great place to eat,” wrote Ben Rudolph in a post on the Windows blog.

Rudolph lost trying to ‘post a photo to Twitter’ to a iPhone 4S user who had a built-in Twitter functionality, while an Android user was able to text his friend just a little bit faster through an on-screen widget. Windows Phone and another iPhone user came up at the same time in a social status update.

According to Canalys, now Windows Phone’s market share is around frustrating 2%, despite of the fact that the Phone released last fall was expected to show off much better results.