Following the notorious Pepsi Throwback, 7UP, a beverage globally known as the Uncola, pays homage to its 40-year heritage by introducing the classic taste in retro package. However, instead of hiring professional designers or retrieving the package from the corporate archives, 7UP chose to task the finalists of ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ TV series with creating a vintage package for the iconic beverage.
The retro designs for the beverage were created by Marlee Matlin and John Rich practically from clean slate as the only element the contestants could use for inspiration was the old version of the logo that was featured on the package 20-30 years ago. Aside from creating the package design, finalists were challenged with producing a TV spot for their designs.
The packages introduced by the finalists celebrate the way the product used to look in the 70-s and 80-s. The design created by Marlee Matlin, an Oscar-winning actress and decorated spokesperson for the hearing impaired, is inspired by the disco era, while the work introduced by John Rich is a bow to the 80-ties bold and eye-catching design. Both versions will be used to produce and market 7Up Retro, a drink made with real sugar and featuring the good-old crisp, clean lemon-lime taste.
In acknowledgement of the creative work done by the TV show finalists, 7UP will donate $50,000 to each of the finalists’ charities, Starkey Hearing Foundation and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Jim Trebilcock, executive vice president of marketing for Dr Pepper Snapple Group, commented, «As 7UP has evolved over the years, we’ve always stayed true to our roots as The Uncola. We’re excited to partner with The Celebrity Apprentice to see what this year’s contestants can bring to a brand that has been a great-tasting part of Americana for more than eight decades.”
However, 7UP throwback has already begun and is hitting US stores as the brand has unveiled limited edition 6-packs of 7UP Retro in green bottles available at select retail networks.