Adidas celebrates women with a new campaign dubbed “all in for #mygirls,” which is rolling out across the globe as part of the brand’s biggest marketing campaign “all in” started in 2011. The brand kicked off the new girls-focused promotion on March 8 to coincide with International Women’s Day, celebrated in some countries.
Pic.: adidas’ zine, (click to enlarge)
The new campaign, designed to support and encourage girls to reach new heights both in sport and life, is rolling out across multiple channels, including online platforms, TV, retail and PR.
The brand has launched an online magazine for girls, who love sports and are eager to motivate other like-minded users to play big in their lives. It four categories, “Stories,” “Happenings,” “Looks” and “Connected.” The last section includes posts and photos with the #mygirls hashtag sourced from various social-media channels. “We’ve liked your facebook albums, scrolled through your tweets and given props on your Instagram filter choices. You’re the reason why #mygirls was created—so make your passion known!” writes the brand in the description to the category. Each issue of the digital magazine will provide the audience with new inspirational stories, tips, products as well as updates on the brand’s events and activations.
While the new campaign is rolling out on the international scale, adidas is airing the “all in for #mygirls” TV commercials only in three markets, Russia, Korea and China at this time.