The best thing to have a trustful feedback on a product is to ask a person who has been using it for some time. This approach has been employed in the new a marketing promotion entitled ‘Happy Volt Owners’ for the hybrid Chevrolet’s auto brand Volt. The series of spots, in which people are sharing their honest attitudes to the vehicle, appeared on the YouTube channel of the brand, touching on the most important aspects of driving the hybrid such as speed, gas stations, misconceptions and many, many more.

When you buy kitchen furniture, you want it be super durable and indestructible, but the cooking and dining section seem to be the most aggressive space in the house. IKEA provides 25-year guarantee to its furniture and shows that it can resist most damages, even those made during parties. On its UK website, the manufacturer created an interactive demonstration of what this furniture can bear.

Lady Gaga, a person who has become a real brand over the past years, never misses an opportunity to team up with companies (her creative partnerships include collaborations with Polaroid, Barney’s and more) to create visually stunning designs. But the pop diva is creative enough to craft her own breakthrough products—the mother of all monsters is launching her first-ever fragrance LADY GAGA FAME for women in September 2012.

Coca-Cola UK unveiled the Olympic Torch Relay commemorative bottles to celebrate the people who are carrying the Olympic Flame during its 70-day journey around the UK. Ahead of the great sportive event, which will open in less than two months, on July 27, the iconic soft drinks brand presents a plethora of special edition designs, which pay tribute to the athletes and sports. This set of Coca-Cola and one Coke Zero bottles pays tribute to those who are sharing their time and devotion to help the Olympic spirit spread vast all across the country and the planet.

The sportswear brand adidas has tapped a plethora of artists for the new ‘Your Story’ project revolving around the previous Olympic Games events and the brightest Olympic memories. Back in May, the brand presented a video showcasing the first edition of the Consortium SS 2012 collection of shoes, decorated by the artists literally from a scratch—they were given blank shoes as canvas for visual artistic experiments. Now the brand unveils the second spot with the new line of sneakers upgraded by artists, who translated their impressions from previous Olympic competitions into the design of the adidas shoes.

Electrolux is looking for a correspondent to cover the Electrolux Design Lab final event, which is slated for this fall, in a plethora of social media channels including Facebook, Blog, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest. The brand, which is committed to introduce innovations to every house, understands the importance of heavy social media presence and is sharing the brand’s passion. The winner will be invited to attend the final event in Milan and contribute to the extensive media coverage across the major social media platforms.

Starbucks is raising awareness of its initiative, the Create Jobs for USA Fund, launched in fall 2011, by introducing a line of products, the Indivisible collection, aimed to help generate more money for the battle against unemployment in the USA. The project focuses on providing financial support to Opportunity Finance Network (OFN), which helps create and retain jobs across the country. With every purchase of a product from the new collection, which includes a mug, a tumbler, a blend and a brewed coffee,—the company will donate some money to OFN (the amount will depend on the product).

Choosing the right hair colour shade may be a complicated task, and usually you need to ask a professional to make the right decision. L’Oréal Paris USA is helping ladies to choose the care product that fit them best in a new digital integration 2012 Hair Color Census campaign launched on Facebook and Pinterest. The cosmetics giant is encouraging brunettes, blondes and redheads to get engaged in the promotion by joining one of the ‘hair tribes’ to celebrate their haircolour.