AXE has launched another controversial campaign, revolving around a very delicate theme—men’s ‘early perspiration.’ With all its bold promotional projects focusing on male-female carnal relationship, now AXE seems to be touching probably the most embarrassing topic for men—their ‘too prominent’ reaction to hot ladies. Despite the fact that the sexual references are clear, the campaign keeps within the bounds of decency and showcases nothing else but guys’ wet armpits.
Of course, only completely ignorant viewers will not draw parallels between this problem and premature ejaculation, but what’s implied is not necessarily to be spoken out loud. The website (now available only in Spanish) features several wallpapers with extremely disgusting objects (yellow lion’s teeth, rotten food, repulsive creatures and many more), which are supposed to help guys ‘calm down.’
But AXE knows how to deal with the problem and enjoy your life without wet armpits—the new version of AXE Full Control will protect guys from unwanted early reactions. Still, it deals only with the upper part of the body, and it’s up to men what to do with the rest.
The «Transpirador Precoz» campaign was developed by Ponce Buenos Aires.