Bacardi Releases the “Bacardi Together Index” Study on the Joy of Getting Together

Bacardi unveils a pioneering research study called the Bacardi Together Index. It uses 146 questions from a national survey of 5,000 American adults, aged 21 to 80+ years, to understand and summarize the dimensions of social connectedness. This index is a grand summation of the effort by Bacardi to get people thinking about how they prioritize their time and how social life affects general well-being.

Key findings of the Bacardi Together Index are as follows:

—“Social media togetherness” is not the same as “in-person togetherness.” Social media togetherness is quicker and less emotionally meaningful amongst respondents.

—64% of respondents believe being together with family and friends is important, more so than getting a raise (51%), having a career (47%), and having the best of everything (30 %).

—At least 59% of respondents cite that togetherness has many benefits including: the fun times enjoyed together, being part of a friendship group, makes time more meaningful, and takes your mind off problems.

—The primary factors that prevent togetherness are: lack of money (58%), lack of friends (43%), geographic distance from friends and family (40%), and finding the time to be with others (50%).

—Across the country, and looking at the areas where people live within the regions, those who live in cities (47 %) or just outside a city (44%) appear to have more physical and emotional togetherness versus those living in the suburbs (38%) or rural areas (31%).

—The holiday season is the kind of occasion that is most likely to encourage people to get together. Significant events like birthdays, the 4th of July and Mother’s/Father’s Day are also big. All these occasions inspire the greatest level of connectedness to others, with at least 57% of people feeling highly connected during these times.

—“Being together” is closely associated with general well-being, as 84%of those with high togetherness also have high well-being.

Read the press release of the company to get more details on the survey.