Bacardi announces the official launch of the ‘Bacardi Together’ campaign in the U.S.—as part of the new platform, the brand has unveiled a 30-second television spot titled ‘Inventions,’ which brings to life the brand point of view by demonstrating for years many things have been invented to help people get together, including Bacardi.
The spot is one piece of a multi-media communications approach that includes TV, out of home, public relations, experiential marketing, significant digital advertising and the ‘Like It Live, Like It Together’ engagement program on Facebook. The program brings consumers’ online ‘Likes’ expressed through Facebook into real life experiences for thousands of fans across the country. Consumers can visit and click on the ‘Together Tab’ to cast their votes for their top ‘Likes’ and enter for a chance to win tickets to one of two events in NYC & Las Vegas (the details to be unveiled soon).
‘Inventions’ reflects life is better shared with others and suggests everything invented, including essential creations such as fire and the wheel, was for the purpose of bringing people together. The spot features Bacardi Superior Rum, the lead product in the trademark’s portfolio, to reinforce the idea the world’s original, light-bodied clear rum has been at the heart of great get-togethers for more than a century. Created by Young and Rubicam and award-winning director Johnny Green, the advert was filmed in different locations across Argentina and features the music track ‘NYC moves to the sound of LA’ by the rock band Funeral Party.
Earlier this month, ‘BacardiTogether’ outdoor and digital media executions launched in key metro markets including New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Las Vegas, Dallas, Minneapolis and Chicago. The message, ‘Mixes well with others,’ further communicates the brand’s point of view of getting people together—over a great cocktail made with Bacardi.