Cannes Lions opens for entries and launches Product Design category

The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, slated for June 15-21, is adding one more category to recognize outstanding product design. This will draw even more entries, beating the last year’s 4% rise in the number of applications. In general, record 35,765 works projects were submitted in 2013.

Product Design Lions, the 17th category, will feature works that demonstrate the “applied use of physical products in aiding the communication of the brand and the effect it has on attracting consumers.

The entries are to be submitted in four major sub-categories: Consumer Goods, Wellbeing and Environmental Impact, Solution (ergonomic functionality, day-to-day solutions provided through design), and Interface (visual impact, as well as its ease of navigation and ability to convey information).

The submission period is running from January 23 through March 28. The short list will be released on June 17, with the awards ceremony slated for June 18. The entries, submitted after 28 March, will be subject to an additional €75 late entry fee.

“Brand communication has become such a part of product design that it’s important as a global Festival celebrating creative communications that we now recognise this. Including Product Design Lions as a standalone entry category in our awards line up, not only acknowledges this fast growing industry, but helps to set a global benchmark and precedent for the creativity within it,” commented Terry Savage, chairman, Lions Festivals.

In addition to Product Design Lions launch, the festival’s organizers have also announced changes within other categories. New subcategories have been added to Cyber Lions (Social, Branded Technology and Branded Games), and some changes have been introduced to subcategories in PR, Branded Content and Entertainment, Film and Outdoor Lions categories.