Captain Morgan Embarks on Epic Quest for ‘One Million Poses’

For more than 376 years, Captain Morgan has inspired countless fans to strike the world-renowned Captain Morgan Pose. Last Friday, the brand announced a yearlong, coast-to-coast pursuit to collect «One Million Poses«… all for a very worthy cause.

Adult consumers are encouraged to visit to upload photos or videos of their Pose, along with the legendary stories that helped inspire them. For every Pose uploaded, Captain Morgan will donate $1 to the First Mate Fund, whose mission is to support responsible drinking initiatives and other programs that benefit the community.

Captain Morgan’s ultimate goal is to raise one million dollars for the Fund via poses, with a portion of the money being distributed to causes that promote and encourage responsible alcohol consumption. This includes designated driver programs, bar and restaurant server training, and education on how alcohol affects the body and can best be enjoyed. Throughout the year, Captain Morgan will be collaborating with his «First Mates» nationwide to announce the non-profit partners and other community minded organizations that will be joining him in this journey.

«We developed the First Mate Fund to underscore our continued commitment to promote social responsibility and positively impact the communities where our consumers work and live,» said Tom Herbst, Director of Marketing, Rums for Diageo. «We’re thrilled to launch our One Million Poses campaign, which will inspire the masses to now Pose for a purpose

The journey for «One Million Poses» officially set sail with the creation of «The World’s Largest Pose,» a 180 ft. human mosaic stretching the length of the field at New Meadowlands Stadium.  Designed by aerial artist Daniel Dancer, the larger-than-life piece of living art was constructed from only fabric, recycled tire mulch and more than 500 people.