Chandon Celebrates its American Heritage with a ‘Summer’ Limited-Edition Design

A few may know that Chandon sparkling wines brand is not French, but pure American.. Almost 40 years ago its then owner Domaine Chandon was founded in Napa Valley, California by French winemakers of old long traditions.

This year Chandon releases its «American-style» limited-edition bottle to celebrate its roots and heritage. Brand design specialist ButterflyCannon was responsible for creating the whole concept and look and feel.

Wrapped from head to toe in classic red, white and blue stripes, the design for both the standard 750ml and 187ml bottles evoke a classic Hamptons-style yachting theme. ButterflyCannon also designed Chandon’s limited edition ice-buckets, towels, tote bags, deck chairs and ice cream carts — all sporting the same American Summer theme.

“ButterflyCannon have managed to perfectly capture the essence of an American Summer for our limited edition bottles and in doing so created the perfect summertime accessory for our consumers”, says Chloe Lloyd-Jones, Vice President – Wine Portfolio, LVMH.

The new bottles were officially launched last week at The Standard hotel in New York, where guests sipped on mini versions of the limited edition bottle.

The Chandon Limited Edition Summer bottle is available from 1st June through to 1st September.

Photo: new limited-edition design of Chandon in the USA