Cointreau Offers Facebookers to Win “The Cointreau Coffret” by Dita Von Teese

Cointreau asked QSLD to work on a Facebook-located contest to create buzz around the release of the Cointreau Coffret by Dita Von Teese. The agency worked closely with the Cointreau team to ensure a perfect restitution of the Chic Boudoir style on the FB welcome page of Cointreau.

Consumer has the possibility to win a Coffret answering the following question: What is the most unique / private item you would want to hide in your Coffret? The Cointreau coffret is an elegant “jewel” of a box designed by Dita Von Teese that gently cradles the iconic Cointreau bottle, two long stemmed cocktail glasses and a vivid pink-tone cobbler shaker. The hilarious case can be used for keeping jewelry, mementos as well as accessories and perfumes. The entrants can submit their essays of 30 words or less during one month, from October 15 to November 15,

Founded by Designer Denis Boudard in 1993, QSLD has been at the center of the Luxury scene for more than a decade. Today, the US branch, called QSLD NYC, specializes in developing bottles and creative packaging that help luxury brands to reach their target markets. Year after year Boudard’s team has built its reputation with major projects for Chopard, Baldessarini, Escada, Lacoste, Guerlain, Azzaro and Perry Ellis. For the spirits, Veuve Clicquot, Hennessy, Mount Gay Rum, Martini, 10Cane and many more.