FAB Awards 2014: the highlights

Following the sixteenth FAB Awards, juror Nicola Davies, Planning Director at Sid Lee Amsterdam, reflects on the FABulous ceremony.

Some of our industry’s finest recently gathered at the Hurlingham Club London to celebrate the prestigious FAB Awards—the only award ceremony to focus solely on the creativity of food and beverage around the globe.

If there is one lesson in creativity we can learn from this year’s FABulous winners, it’s this: don’t just say it, prove it. The brave winners of 2014 embody the heroic idea that actions speak louder than words. But not just for the sake of it mind you. They all stood for something meaningful, and took the appropriate action to prove it.

Dill restaurant by Lidl

To demonstrate the quality of their goods in Stockholm, supermarket chain Lidl set out to prove that «good food doesn’t have to cost more». Even if it meant deceiving their very own customers. They opened a Michelin-inspired pop-up restaurant under the name «Dill», with food sourced entirely from Lidl, unbeknownst to the happy diners. The risky hoax paid off, reminding us that sometimes you need to do things that are risky—otherwise everyone would be doing it.

Neglect by Marmite

Love it or hate it is more than just a message, it’s a brand promise that permeates everything they say and do. Their latest iteration of the long-running campaign caused some offence by mimicking animal cruelty—the ad follows a fictional team visiting houses to rescue jars of neglected Marmite. But in dividing the nation, they elevated love/hate to an entirely new level.

Literacy Store by McDonald’s

Marketing for good is no longer just admired, we expect brands to be good corporate citizens. McDonald’s had already given away over 20 million children’s books to help tackle illiteracy in the US, but now they’re taking a more active role in the cause. They won hearts and minds (and even induced a few tears) by proving that «life is hard if you are illiterate». By replacing all the words in their Chicago store with nonsensical words, from menus to signs, they immersed unsuspecting customers into their confusing world.

Android KitKat by Kit Kat

Brand of the year Kit Kat have moved beyond just telling us to enjoy more breaks, to actually facilitating more breaks through technology. Google surprised the tech and so-called real world alike by announcing the name of its hotly anticipated Android operating system as ‘Android KitKat’. This unlikely partnership gives Kit Kat breaks a whole new meaning in the digital era.

For more on the FAB awards, check out the website.

About the Author

Nicola Davies 300

Nicola Davies is a Planning Director at Sid Lee Amsterdam. She is curious about culture, and obsessed with technology. Originally based in London, she now resides in Amsterdam where she helps brands unleash the commercial potential of creativity at Sid Lee. You can follow her on Twitter at @diginic.