Facebook Launched a Messenger for Android and iPhone

Facebook presented a new Facebook Messenger for Android and iPhone that allows to send messages instantly to individuals and groups of friends registered on Facebook.

The mobile app is free to download on Android Marketplace and App Store. Facebook has recently acquired a group messaging firm Beluga, which developed the new app. Facebook Messenger is the first mobile application the company has developed and released outside of its official Facebook app.

The app is simple and has a streamlined design. Users logged into can see all of their recent Facebook chats and messages. Users can continue any of their past conversations or create a new one. Messages can either be sent via Facebook Messenger or via SMS. Photos and location sharing are also available.Users can reach all friends whether they are on Facebook or in the phone contact list.

The alert system settings can be tailored for individual message threads or for all messages through Messenger, depending on preferences. Users can also delay alerts for an hour or until 8:00 a.m. the next day.

Facebook claims that the Messenger will facilitate communication for millions of mobile users who always want to stay in touch. In July Facebook teamed up with Skype to provide users with video calls option.