Facebook, Tumblr and Yahoo! Celebrating Spirit Day

Celebrating Spirit Day today, Facebook, Tumblr and Yahoo! as well as other tech companies are going purple to show off their protest against bullying.

Photo: Spirit Day as seen by user roagui, from snapwidget.com clickable

Spirit Day was successfully launched in 2010, and since that time tech companies have been supporting it. Facebook turns select national pages purple, including StopBullyingSpeakUp, Diversity and Safety pages, as well as asking employees at offices around the world to wear purple on this day.

Tumblr is also supporting Spirit Day. It all started from Tumblr when Canadian teen Brittany McMillan posted the idea of Spirit Day on her Tumblr page in 2010. The company listened to her and turned its logo purple. This year Tumblr recorded a video with Brittany who is Spirit Day Ambassador now.

Yahoo! has made a post about Spirit Day to its Yahoo! Pride page. StumbleUpon, Hulu and Mobli have also turned their logos purple across their social media channels.

Helping to spread the information about this day, American Apparel is offering fans Pride Day styles on its web site.

The initiative is supported by GLAAD, an online media platform for and about LGBT community. GLAAD features a dedicated page and provides graphics that can be shared on social media sites.

«When young people find a sea of purple profile photos and supportive voices on their favorite websites and apps, it sends a powerful message that it’s okay to be who you are,» said GLAAD president Herndon Graddick. «Tech giants like Facebook and Yahoo! are leading the way in taking steps to address bullying and bringing Spirit Day’s message to young people year round.»

GLAAD has also developed two Spirit Day mobile apps allowing users to turn their photos purple and add a special #SpiritDay badge to them. The apps are powered by Toyota Financial Services which can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play.