Gillette Venus Encourages Facebook Community to ‘Get Daring’

Gillette Venus has launched a lovely activity on Facebook revolving around the ‘daring’ theme. The brand encourages women all around the globe to commit to doing nice things every day and suggests them what simple actions they may take up to “spread the good.”

To take part in the activities, Facebookers are encouraged to visit the ‘We dare you’ hub on Facebook and ‘do the dares’ suggested by the brand each week. Each major challenge is made up of three themed commitments. For instance, this week’s one is ‘Saying no to gossips,’ and those who accept the applications are asked to stop talking about people behind their backs and say only good things about them. As part of the mini project, Gillette Venus is encouraging “go to 5 friends’ walls and write something you love about them or a mutual friend; say something nice about someone else in a conversation today; and commit to saying no to rumors among (or about) your friends.”

Once the challenge is completed, the participant can close it by putting a tick mark in the check-box. The brand will be also giving badges to users, whose friends complete the dares.