Heineken USA is going to celebrate Black History Month with a creative twist—the alcohol brand is inviting its loyal fans to take part in its Black History Month Art competition for a chance to get their pieces showcased as part the brand’s themed marketing campaign, which will include national print, digital, in-store point of sale, and out of home advertising in 2013, and win $5,000.
Photo: A snapshot from the Heineken Black History Month tab on www.facebook.com/heineken
The annual competition, which was first launched last year, is rolling out on the brand’s Facebook fan-page—entrants are asked to add their artwork on the Heineken Black History Month tab until February 17, then the public will select top 10 submissions (the voting process will be running from February 18 till February 29). The panel of jury will determine the overall winner based on a number of criteria such as creativity and originality, portrayal of black history and the Heineken’s spirit, and announce him or her on March 8. According to the press release, this year’s celebration of Heineken Black History Month will feature the winning artwork, created by the 2011 finalist, Latasha Williams.
«Heineken is excited to not only support Black History Month but also showcase artists nationwide. We look forward to the various submissions from participants and hope this program provides a budding artist a chance to have their artwork showcased on a national platform,» shared Olga Osminkina, Senior Brand Director of Heineken USA.