A common advertising approach of «conducting experiments» to show off some functional or emotional features of a product has recently been employed by Grey in a new spot for its global client Gillette.
To promote the «utter flexibility» of Gillette Fusion ProGlide, the agency has invented the way to… play the piano rigged with 88 razors. New York-based composer and post-rock musician Ryan Lott, better known as Son Lux, was invited to perform a music piece on a custom piano claviature with the strings attached to highly responsive razors which actually touched the keys instead of the musician’s fingers, producing the sound.
The production studio 1st Ave Machine filmed the performance and produced the spot. You can watch it below.
Similar strange musical experiments were previously conducted by Wieden & Kennedy to promote Old Spice in a commercial where the NFL ex-star Terry Crews played music with his muscles, and by JWT Singapore for the Unilever-owned Silk Cream when musicians played violins with the stings made of human hair.