If in 2013 global consumers didn’t mind that 76% of commercial brands had disappeared, in 2015, this figure slightly decreases to 74%. Overall, the Havas Meaningful Brands study 2015 has proved the trend: most brands across the world lose ability to be perceived as useful or meaningful and to effect people’s lives. The most skeptical consumers come from developed countries: they do not believe that many brands can make a meaningful difference to their personal wellbeing.
Just 28% of global 30,000 respondents from 34 countries care about brands. However, the results vary by region: in North America just 3% of people care about brands, in Europe — 7%, in the developed Asia (Japan, Singapore, Australia) —9%, in Latin America —38%, in the developing Asia — 75%.

Ways to be considered meaningful
What makes a brand meaningful, in Havas terminology, depends on the industry it represents. In the food category, consumers pay attention to sustainable sourcing and employee record; in telecoms, it is important to be able to listen and response fast. Overal, the patterns of engagement are the following:
- 68% of global consumers consider that incentive and rewards are a key to meaningfulness
- 61% think it is relevant additional information and live customer support that make a brand meaningful
- 57% rate high those brands that provide educational experiences and solutions.
Top 20 Meaningful Brands performers
The global top 20 ranking of the most meaningful brands is represented by the following names:
The top performing industries are Consumer Electronics, Helathcare, Food, Personal care and Retail, while the Technology brands donimate the top 10.
1. Samsung.
2. Google.
3. Nestle.
4. Bimbo.
5. Sony.
6. Microsoft.
7. Nivea.
8. Visa.
9. IKEA.
10. Intel.
11. HP.
12. Dove.
13. Walmart.
14. Gillette.
15. Knorr.
16. Kellogg’s.
17. Amazon.
18. PayPal.
19. Honda.
20. Carrefour.
Higher meaningfulness influences financial performance
Analyzing the financial success of the brands ranked by their meaningfulness to consumers, Havas Media has found that the «Share of Wallet»—the percentage of money spent on some particular brand versus the total annual expenditures in its category—is 46% higher for the most meaningful brands.
The researchers have also proved the meaningfulness is a key driver of marketing KPI success: for every 10% increase in ‘meaningfulness,’ brand purchases or intentions to perch age rise on average by 6%.
Another finding is that brands with a higher ranking of meaningfulness, outperform stock market by 133% or 7 times that of the STOXX 1800.
The full report with more findings is available at the Meaningful Brands study site.