Kia Renovates Abandoned Places in Its “Drive and Change” Campaign

Kia Canada is putting two words—Drive (“the force that makes us think big no matter how small we start”) and Change (which “makes us better”)—together to demonstrate that even simple actions can make the world a better place to live. The auto maker collaborated with the David & Goliath agency (Canada) to develop a great campaign, “Drive and Change,” which was designed to bring inspiration and make us believe that important things grow out of our tiny steps.

The brand has recently released one spot called “Court” (another one, “Garden”, is coming very soon) to prove that it doesn’t take much to improve the settings around you. The make-over video, made on July 7, showcases a team of people, who arrived to an abandoned playground in Kia cars and in span of just a few hours managed to transform it into a nice pitch for playing outdoor games (basketball, in particular).

Small actions bring big results. Kia proves it.