Kraft Latin America Introducing Fly Garage Project Focusing on Its Brands Development

Kraft Latin America has launched the Fly Garage in Buenos Aires neighborhood Palermo Soho, a project that brings together Kraft marketers and collaborative agencies to focus on a single brand.

Photo: Kraft Fly Garage web site, a snapshot

«We want to create trends, be ahead of consumers’ thinking and deliver work they don’t expect,» said Gustavo Abelenda, president of Kraft Latin America. «For that, innovation is the key word.»

The project is lead by Maria Mujica Buenos Aires-based marketing director for gum and candy for the region and Nicolas Pimentel, the founder of +Castro, says Ad Age. The session was dedicated to a program for Trident brand that launched its first global campaign this year. As a result of the session nine of the best ideas generated were prototyped. Three of the ideas ranged from designing intricate models to doing tests in real markets will be fulfilled in the next six months.

One of the ideas tested was experiment in a small Argentine town with very slow life rhythm. A big pinata was constructed in the town square and filled with gum, candy and small toys. The session participants or flyers inflated the pinata by sending tweets to the town’s hashtag that were converted into bursts of air. The tweets were displayed on big screens next as the piñata was getting bigger till it burst  after four hours and everybody could have a treat.

This year Krafts will hold three more two-week Garage sessions during which about 20 people from all over Latin America will gather together to produce ideas. To become a flyer, young managers and creatives don’t necessary have experience on working on the particular brand. Flyers won’t know in advance which Kraft’s brands will be the subject of the sessions to produce unconventional ideas.

Soon the site will go live and the project will be presented at Cannes Lions.