LEGO has released a film that focuses on the brick sets that contribute to children’s development. LEGO Education has commissioned Ever After Film to shoot a truly impressive piece that revolves around a girl who made up her own emotional story with a happy ending—it tells about a little boy who had a tough life.
The heartbreaking spot promotes StoryStarter kits that boost students’ creativity and encourage them to develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. By building up miniature settings and making up a story in them, students in 2nd to 5th grade learn to read, retell and write stories that engage themselves and their classmates as well. The set can be shared by 5 students at a time.
LEGO is now promoting The LEGO Movie’s The Awesome Alliance set with a dedicated effort that calls the audience to be imaginative and capture this with their cameras. The competition is rolling out from February 6 through September 30. Every week, LEGO announces a new theme of a challenge (mission)—the latest one is “Awesomize,” encouraging participants to add something really special to the world around.