Miracle Whip, which has launched a bunch of promotions revolving around love and hate to the product (as it turns out, the salad dressing spread can even ruin families or, on the contrary, make them stronger), continues to explore people’s attitudes to the edgy and controversial product. For the new storytelling campaign, developed by mcgarrybowen (the advertising agency behind the previous push), Miracle Whip is traveling in time, to the 17th century, and asking the key question, ‘You hate Miracle Whip, but have you tried it yet?’—the idea is that some people believe the product is disgusting, but it’s just because they’ve never tasted it.
The campaign with the tagline saying ‘Keep an open mouth’ launches this week in the US and includes TV commercials as well as print and outdoor ads, aiming to dispel people’s pre-conceived notions about the brand. On its Facebook fan-page, Miracle Whip has posted a series of teasing images with the ’2.26.2012’ date and announcement ‘The truth comes out’—it also promised it will be giving out free samples of the sandwich spread to those who still have doubts whether Miracle Whip is something worth trying.
The brand is also launching two TV commercials, shot in Romania and directed by Joachim Back of Park Pictures, AdWeek reports—they feature angry mobs from the 17th century, the time when people were fighting otherworldly creatures (along with everything that seemed weird) whenever and wherever they could.
In the first ad, ‘Witchhunt’ (watch the teaser above) they are getting through the woods with torches at night and finally come up to a house, where they expect to find something horrible (and they are determined to burn it, of course), but see a lovely girl, who explains that the “foul, unholy beast, the one with the red markings that sits on the table where you sup” is actually very good and delicious Miracle Whip. In the second spot, called ‘Village’ (it will air on February 29), a woman with a red ‘MW’ logo on her blue apron is debating with others, saying that Miracle whip is actually good, “not odd. And it’s great on mutton.” Suddenly, she gets supported by a reverend who shows the brand’s red letters on his shirt.