Mozilla: Internet Can Save Lemurs

The famous Mozilla Firefox browser has called its 3.6 edition Namoroka after Madagascar’s Namoroka Park, a home for eight species of lemurs. Being dedicated to creating healthy ecosystem of communities that promote the ability to freely access software and creative works, Mozilla encourages its users to support Nature ecosystems and render help to its inhabitants, lemurs in particular.


The iconic Internet brand has decided to celebrate the release of Firefox 3.6 by supporting endangered lemurs in Namoroka and throughout Madagscar, and so has teamed up with the Madgascar Fauna Group (MFG) to help the southern country maintain the wildlife and nature conservation. The company is going to donate $10,000 to fulfil the task.

The aim is to protect the cute animals from illegal lemur trapping and with the help of educational programs help Malagasy students finish school, providing them with job opportunities outside of illegal trapping and logging.