2019 was another year when humanity rethought its food habits and changed its diet once again. During this time, companies had an opportunity to offer something new in the market or improve the quality of their old ones. This article will talk about two new and popular products: smart water and superfoods.
Active Water
Already, the annual turnover of Active Water in the world market is 8 billion dollars. Big companies such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Vitamin Well, and Talking Rain have long been represented on the market.
Water and various vitamins are playing crucial roles in our bodies. Together they support and protect our immune system. It is not surprising that different companies tried to combine these two elements into one product. The first successful active water product came out in 1997 under the brand name Glacéau. With a new bright advertisement and an unusual name (Smart Water), new drink quickly found its mass consumer.
In advertising and vitamin water strategies, several important points have been highlighted recently. First, manufacturers pay more attention to the lack of sugar in their products. Experts note a gradual shift from drinks with a high content of sugar and caffeine, as well as carbonated drinks to natural and unprocessed drinks. That is why Smart Water mentions a lack of sugar on its products.
The second important feature was the new Active Water positioning. A new type of water is trying to be less associated only with professional athletes. Today, the product is more likely to appeal to the average consumer. Recent advertising only confirms this trend. In 2017, Glaceau used the slogan “the sports drink for the rest of us.” The hero of the video received the funny name Sorta-Fit Spokesguy.
Before this, Glaceau noted those who would never go to the Olympics, but still work on themselves. The brand sent a sports commentator to tennis courts, swimming pools, and other public sports areas to talk about ordinary people who love the sport.
The relative novelty of the product allows manufacturers to approach the issue of promotion with a new vision. Just last year Glaceau offered its costumers to quit its smartphones for a whole calendar year. Instead, customers could devote themselves to sports and real communication. Instead of a smartphone, the company offered a 1996 telephone and $ 100,000 if participants would hold out for a year. Such an action attracted attention to the brand and increased recognition on social networks.
The last feature of Active Water is the effective use of a variety of flavors and vitamins in the bottles. Nowadays on sale, you can find the drinks with the taste of blueberries, lavender, pitaya, acai, and grapefruit. The same variety is among the beneficial vitamins and minerals that are in the bottle itself.
The term SuperFood is a fairly new term in the beverage and food market. The new product offers maximum nutritional value with minimal calories. Such supplements contain a large number of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Recent case studies have confirmed that shoppers are willing to pay more for products and brands that are associated with health. Some types of superfoods already had become new food trends.
The unexpected popularity of SuperFood products affected popular brands. During Halloween celebrations, Starbucks coffee shop launched Witch’s Brew Frappuccino. The new drink contained chia seeds.
The fruit became known for its bright color and unique pulp covered with seeds. The fruit itself tastes like a mixture of kiwi and pear in combination with a light crispy taste. Only one fruit contains 15% of daily vitamin C.
Bright colors quickly attracted a young audience. The bright color is ideal for social networks, just type in the hashtag #pitaya on Instagram to see this. Each of the users is trying to cook a variety of dishes with the addition of pitaya.
Acai berries from South America are considered one of the best antioxidants and anti-heart disease products. Recently these berries became so popular in the US that Acai appeared in famous TV shows such as Oprah Winfrey show and Rachael Ray show. For their striking taste berries are mainly used in smoothies and other drink products. Because the acai berry is so delicate, transportation is difficult. You will most likely find it as a powder, in a capsule or as an ingredient in a smoothie or juice.
Chia seeds
Chia seeds are quickly gaining their place in the superfood market. They are almost tasteless and have a high density of nutrients. Do not pay attention to the small size of these seeds. Also, the seeds are almost tasteless, which means they can be added to any dish. All this makes the product an ideal health supplement.
It is worth to mention that superfoods presented not only in the beverage industry but also in everyday life. For example, in January, Rhythm Superfoods (USA) launched carrot snacks and healthy pickled beet chips. Also shortly, the company plans to release sweet chips from watermelon and pineapple.
Superfoods and Smart Water opened page in the healthy eating era. Largely due to global trends (a growing number of obesity cases, urbanization and growing demand for tasty drinks without sugar), both products will increase their sales and name recognition over the next few years.