Old Spice And Keyshawn Johnson Announce NFL Teams with the Most Swagger

Just in time for the playoffs, ESPN analyst Keyshawn Johnson teamed up with Old Spice to announce the first-ever Swagger Rankings, an index recognizing which NFL teams have the Most Swagger – a nod to the male grooming brand’s most popular scent and a highly-referred to term denoting those who play and act with confidence.


To determine the 15 teams with the most Swagger, Old Spice worked with the NFL to obtain and analyze statistics from the past 3.5 years (2006 through week 9 of the 2009 season), looking at key factors that embody the definition of Swagger.

For a team to consistently perform at a high level, they need to have swagger,” said ESPN Analyst, Keyshawn Johnson. “Behind the win-loss records, teams need to have confidence to always step up and deliver their best, and swagger is one of the things that fuels a championship-winning team.

The teams that topped the list scored high marks in a variety of categories:

* Red Zone Performance: Scoring and Tackling when it counts requires Swagger on both sides of the ball
* Taking Your Swagger on the Road: Winning a game while tens of thousands cheer against you requires massive amounts of Swagger
* Fourth Down Conversions: It’s fourth down. You have to have Swagger to go for it…and make it
* A Gentleman’s Game: It takes a different level of Swagger to play the game by the rules and avoid penalties
* Merchandise Sales: When fans wear your team colors like a uniform, you definitely have Swagger

Old Spice Swagger Rankings:

1. Indianapolis Colts
2. Pittsburgh Steelers
3. New England Patriots
4. New Orleans Saints
5. Minnesota Vikings
6. San Diego Chargers
7. Dallas Cowboys
8. Philadelphia Eagles
9. Cincinnati Bengals
10. New York Jets
11. Denver Broncos
12. Seattle Seahawks
13. Kansas City Chiefs
14. Miami Dolphins
15. San Francisco 49ers

Here are Old Spice products dedicated to the NHL theme.


