Peroni Nastro Azzurro is to Democratise Opera Experience in Great Britain

The iconic Italian beer has launched a series the ‘Peroni di Opera’ events across the country to popularise the classic Italian opera along with promotion of its recently redesigned brand.

The organisers of the event describe it as a ‘contemporary and immersive operatic experience’, inspired by the Arena di Verona summer season of operas and the Italian love of all things ‘al fresco’.

Peroni Nastro Azzurro arranges Opera di Peroni performances in collaboration with renowned electronic artists, songwriters, musician and producer Kwes and innovative producers Go Operas.

The first performance took place in early July on London’s Triton Sguare. So far Opera di Peroni has toured London, Birmingham, Glasgow, and will appear in Liverpool 15–16 August and Manchester 22–23 August.

Photo: Peroni di Opera event in London, from, photograph: Rama Knight

Ticket holders (British residents who are 18+ only) will enjoy a complimentary Peroni and platters of aperitivo before the show.

A special ticket price of £7.50 is available exclusively to Facebook fans for a limited period. Alternatively, there is an opportunity to win the tickets here or purchase them for a standard price here or on the official event website