Samsung Breaks Free with Its Galaxy Note

Samsung is rolling out a new viral marketing campaign for its Note tablet in the UK. The company positions the product as an unconventional decision for creative people so the new initiative includes a series of videos called ‘Breakfree’ showcasing Samsung’s collaborations with artists.

The videos will feature online on various Samsung social media channels. The first film has already debuted on YouTube in the series. In the film, an independent textile artist Olek is travelling the UK from London to Liverpool in a knitted taxi and changing landmarks with colorful knitted items making them look unique and colorful.

Last month Olek New York-based 34-year-old artist Agata Oleksiak put pink knitwear on Anthony Gormley’s Iron Men sculpture in Merseyside, before starting collaboration with Samsung but the act is also shown in the Samsung ‘Breakfree’ trailer.

The second film features musician Mike Skinner of The Streets working with hip-hop group ‘Man Like Me’ explaining them key points of the mainstream success, says Marketing Magazine. The collaborative track is to be released later this month. The third video will feature an extreme-sports stunt.

Each video shows the hashtag Breakfree in the end linking viewers to the Twitter discussion about the moments when they break free from routine.

Samsung has already promoted Note in original ways using an elephant as well as with ‘Love Notes’.