The confrontation between Coca-Cola and Pepsi fades now that the new iPhone 5 release has renewed vigour in the Samsung and Apple war. Samsung has posted a new video to its Facebook page, mocking at Apple fans who were waiting for the new device in line at the store. The brand is poking fun at its competitor al all the “new and mindblowing features” of Apple’s latest product, which will be released in retail on September 21, and highlights the possibilities of the Samsung Galaxy SIII smart-phone in a light and non-pressing way.
“Intuitive, innovative, and stylish, the Galaxy S III is The Next Big Thing—and it’s already here,” says the description to the new video, which appeared yesterday, September 19. In the video, Samsung is very sarcastic about the iPhone updates, such as a new Lighting connector, “all-digital”, as well as a larger screen. In the end, those who are waiting for iPhone 5, are sitching for Samsung.
In the ad, people are too excited about the upcoming arrival of the iPhone, and seem to be too impressed by the “innovative” features. They are saying phrases like “The headphone jack is going to be on the bottom!”, “I heard the connector is going to be all digital. What does that even mean?” and entitled “All I’m saying is that they should have a priority line for people who’ve waited five times…” The brand has also launches a print referring to the Apple genius as part of “The Next Big Thing” campaign.
«This is a marketing campaign. It’s not a legal campaign. As marketers we’re focused on educating consumers. We feel like they’ve somewhat been led down a blind path when truly that innovation has stopped a long time ago,» commented Teri Daley, a Samsung representative here.
Photo: Samsung’s «The Next Thing Is Aleady Here» сampaign (Click to enlarge)