Samsung collaborated with The Viral Factory to develop two projects, revolving around durability of the manufacturer’s SD memory cards. The first one is a promotional film, which proves that the product is ‘magnet-proof, shockproof and waterproof’ by testing it in the harshest environments imaginable, and the second one is an unprecedented initiative, under which the cards will be send into the stratosphere.
The 2-minute film sees the Samsung SD memory card attached to a remote controlled car, which also has a camera. The item starts its long and extremely dangerous journey through a plethora of aggressive obstacles like hitting hammers, a fish tank, firing paint-balls, a glass wall and more, and during the experiment it is beaten, hit, dunked and even licked all over by a dog—all this was made to prove it can resist to any unfriendly conditions. After all these tests, the card remains the same—the ‘before’ is just the same as the ‘after’ one.
The second project seems to be the toughest experiment for the new card. In mid- October at a secret location in Cambridgeshire, the testing team from The Viral Factory will release 100 Samsung SD memory cards attached to one hundred paper planes, which will float from 30,000 meters above the earth surface. Each of them will contain messages, photos, videos submitted to the by people from all around the globe. Potentially, everybody in the Northern Semisphere has a chance to spot the planes, as they are expected to fly as far as Siberia. They will feature detailed information on what to do with the card if the plane is found, including the url of the project’s website for the lucky finder to test the card by uploading the data back to the online platform.