Sara Lee Corporation debuted «More Choices. Healthier Lives.» a dual-language mobile site ( or designed for Hispanic moms who are looking to discover more choices for their family meal times. The hub encourages Hispanics to make a pledge to take a balanced approach to healthier eating and lifestyles and provides consumers the tools and resources needed to uphold the pledge. The site features better-for-you Latin-inspired recipes and tips for Hispanic moms and their families to make mealtime even more nutritious.
«‘Familia’ is the single most important element of the Hispanic culture and food is a big part of family. Many moms ask me how they can whip up a better-for-you dish that preserves their traditional cuisine without sacrificing flavor,» said Chef Ana Garcia, spokesperson for «More Choices. Healthier Lives.» «There is clearly a need among Hispanic moms for convenient, nutritious meal choices. The mobile site offers ideas for hearty snacks and nutritious lunch solutions so that moms can feel good about every meal they prepare for their family.»
The site aims to help moms make each day more flavorful. Consumers can opt-in to receive monthly mobile phone text alerts which include suggestions on how to pair selected products from a variety of brands to make fresh, tasty meals for any time of the day. Once consumers opt-in they have the chance to enter a sweepstakes to win a one-year supply of some Sara Lee Corporation brands.