Sneaker Freaker Partners with Puma to Present the Сlyde Book

At the end of 2010, Sneaker Freaker, a US-based magazine for the fans and professionals of sportswear, joined its efforts with Puma in paying tribute to the legends of the past. On December 10, the brands officially presented a unique hardcover dubbed The Clyde Book paying homage to perhaps one of the most iconic creations of Puma of all times—the Clyde sneakers.

The mission of the book is to demonstrate how a pair of sportshoes outgrows its original designation to become an iconic attribute of the epoch and the generation. The book proves that shoes may have a long and rich history and leave their mark not only on the ground of the city streets, but in the national culture as well.

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Speaking of the history, 35 years ago The Clydes were originally created as a pair of basketball shoes named after New York Knicks guard Walt ‘Clyde’ Frasier, who was called so because of his likeness to the legendary American gangster. It was on of the first advertising deals between a brand and an athlete that turned out to be quite successful due to Frasier’s popularity. As Frasier retired from professional sports for skating and hip hop, a pair of the Clydes quickly became regarded as a must-have for skaters and hip-hop performers.

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The book contains a plethora of photo illustrations, interviews with Clyde and his photos that are published for the first time. The hardcover of the books is handcrafted—it is bounded in green suede and grey leather just like a pair of Clydes.

Unfortunately, publishers of the book claim to have no current plans as to mass publishing. The Clyde Book is a promo trick and is published only in 50 copies reserved for those on Sneaker Freaker’s special guestlist.

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