While augmented reality, hybrid cars and m-commerce apps were in spotlight back in 2009, the following year showed even bolder innovations. In 2010 research and development teams of global companies were primarily focused on finding new ways to make this world greener and facilitate more efficient informational interchange.
Procter & Gamble
Procter & Gamble is turning online reading into a socially worthy deed. Expanding its “Give Health Clean Water Blogivation” campaign, which started in August and is focused on providing clean water, vaccines and education to children in need, the global producer encourages website owners from around the world the world to embed a special widget designed to ‘convert’ users’ clicks into drinking water for deprived communities in developing countries.
Procter & Gamble’s Future Friendly has partnered with RecycleBank in rewarding residents of Cincinnati, P&G’s hometown, for their green actions. The initiative comes as part of the city’s enhanced recycling program launched this week with a view to engage about 25% of local people in recycling movement. The four-phase rollout of new recycling carts began in September—the citywide implementation will continue through February 2011 and include participation with a range of companies and eco-organizations.