Transforming Design: London, 21-22 April

Conference Co-Chairs:

Oliver King, Co-founder and Director of Engine Service Design
Clive Grinyer, Director, Customer Experience, Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group
Thomas Lockwood, President, Design Management Institute

Design is now recognized as an enabler of business transformation, because design leads change, which is critically needed to save and solve our future. It is a solution that addresses problems, and problems behind problems. Design connects businesses to their customers, and customers to new products, services and experiences. Design is a process tool, an innovation tool, a tool to build experiences, and a transformation tool. Transformation is as much a way of thinking as it is a result.

This conference will explore the connections and transformation capabilities of design management in three important areas:
— Social and public sectors
— New products and services
— Business innovation

The world is changing, business is changing, the role of design is changing, and so too design managers need to change. The “new new” will not be simply a revert to the old pre-recession ways. As design leaders, we are now at a crossroads. Embrace the changing and expanding opportunities for design to lead the way, or observe on the sidelines. Increasingly, design managers are being invited to the boardroom and are asking themselves, “Can I rise to the occasion?”

Now is the time to take action, to prepare for your future, to be engaged, and lead your organization, your staff, and your clients to the values of design like never before. Join us in London 21-22 April. Transform yourself.

The full list of the speakers can be seen here:

Please, register here: