Twitter Co-Founder Biz Stone Has a Drink with Himself in a New Stoli Ad

Would you have a drink with you?” This question has been already answered positively by Hugh Hefner and Julia Stiles in the ongoing Stoli Vodka advertising campaign, which now welcomes a new celebrity coming from the modern tech world. Twitter co-founder Biz Stone became the third person featured in new “Stoli Originals” prints and TV ads, released today, October 19.

What can the Stones’ conversation be about? Of course, it’s touching on technologies. While tasting Stolichnalya Vodka and Stoli Gala Applik, Biz the GQ Nerd of the Year in 2009, dressed in light-brown jacket, and Biz the Twitter Pioneer, wearing chocolate shirt, are discussing if the microblogging service is only «meaningless babble» or the future of communication.

The most original people deserve the most original vodka,” the strapline says, and the brand is offering its US fans, who are 25 years of age or older, an opportunity to become one of the original figures by winning Stoli competition on Facebook. To enter it, fans are asked to write a story describing why they are so special—the winner will star in the new advert, which will be added to the series of spots developed by WPP Group PLC’s Ogilvy & Mather.

We are not looking for face recognition. What is more important is the core of the person,» commented Andrey Skurikhin, partner of SPI Group, which owns Stoli outside of Russia, when explaining why they decided to invite Mr. Stone. To celebrate the release of the new TV commercial and print, today @stoli on Twitter is hosting a special cocktail party.