Uniqlo, a Japan-based fashion retailer, has introduced a new online fashion project featuring an integrated Facebook functionality. Fans of the brand are welcome to upload photos of themselves dressed in UNIQLO clothing items at uniqlooks.uniqlo.com. By doing this, the fashion retailer gives a chance for those eager to show off their style make a statement, while those willing to share their viewpoint and get a place where they can do this.
So, while some users are displaying the results of their ‘mix-and-match’ efforts, others are welcome to express their ‘Likes’ or ‘Dislikes’ via Facebook as they press the respective button, and even create their own LOOKBOOK. That’s why the site is called “A Fan page by the fans for the fans”.
The website functionality is complemented by an ability to buy the item that piqued your interest: as you click on ‘Buy the look’ button, you will be redirected to the chain store closest to you where you can order the clothing item you liked.
Needless to say, every piece of the user-generated photographic content as well as user criticism is strictly checked for consistency by a website moderator.
To date, the community website is translated into 7 lanaguages including French, English and Russian. However, the brand has more online expansion plans in store. According to www.thedrum.co.uk, the iPhone app for the UNIQLOOKS community will be released in March.