YouTube Is More Google-like Now

Google has introduced the upgraded YouTube. A new homepage and Channel design of YouTube now allow you to connect your social networks accounts including Google+, Facebook and Twitter with the video service to see what your friends are sharing and customize your YouTube account.

On the left side of the homepage a personal, customizable YouTube Channel line-up can be created. Signed-in users can browse recommended Channels and customize the homepage’s feed. Channels can be switched on the left.

A new Channel design is now about helping users find videos they would like. New Channel templates are created for different users depending on whether you produce one video a week or have thousands of videos for a fan to browse. Some YouTube partners have uploaded videos talking about the features, or giving tips on how they’re taking advantage of the new design.

To improve the overall design, YouTube applied “a fresh coat of digital paint across the whole site”, as Google’s blog said. It looks like gray background, bigger video thumbnails and a more streamlined watch page. In July, YouTube experimented with a design called Cosmic Panda and used users’ feedback to make necessary improvements.

Simple, good-looking overall design is now more Google-like. Users can visit Google’s help center to get a step-to-step guide of using the new YouTube.