ABSOLUT VODKA Demystifies the Facts Behind Its Quality

The brand has invited Swedish supermodel Caroline Winberg, fashion designer Ida Sjöstedt and American musician Alan Gilbert to uncover the true passion for quality in a new creative campaign.

All three collaborators have visited ABSOLUT’s distillery in Åhus in Southern Sweden to prove that the company goes to unnecessary lengths to make the vodka good. They have discovered some unknown facts on the production process, such as that all employees at the ABSOLUT bottling plant take turns to stare at bottles for thirty minutes, twice a day to make sure that the bottles are flawless; that all the bottles are rinsed with ABSOLUT VODKA before filling; that the company uses the method of continuous distillation to get the perfect clarity.

Photo: Caroline Winberg at the ABSOLUT’s factory in Åhus

Caroline Winberg, the project’s inspiration and muse, gave a goodbye kiss to ABSOLUT bottles before they were shipped throughout the world—as a symbol of care and love.

Ida Sjöstedt designed a new uniform for the ABSOLUT distillery workers and staff—all snow white—to show that the brand pays attention to every detail and keeps sterile cleanness.

Photo: Ida Sjöstedt designs snow-white uniform for the ABSOLUT workers

New York Philharmonic Music Director Alan Gilbert was invited to conduct the stills, to maintain a 100% constant pace in the continuous distillation process—to show that ABSOLUT vodka is continuously distilled as many times as needed.

The collaborations have resulted in a series of print ads, which illustrate how ABSOLUT goes to unnecessary lengths to create ABSOLUT VODKA.

Photo: Prints for the «ABSOLUT Rumors» campaign